⇩ Click me! ⇩

Hold up your hand to draw!
(Please let me use your camera!)

Press space to clear the canvas.
Click the canvas to save your art!

Created by Rane Bieker!
Handraw uses Ml5.js's Handpose and neural network features to
let users draw with their hand (more specifically, with their index finger).

My thinking is that it could be a way for artists to draw
without putting extra stress on sore muscles and tendons--I often
overwork my wrists and fingers. But, if I'm being honest with you,
I just thought it would be such an awesome website if it turned out well.

Unfortunately, Handpose's tracking is extremely jittery, and my neural
network is trained with a bare minimum of data, rendering Handraw pretty
much only good for abstract art. If I were to improve it in the future,
I would at least want to collect more data!